When You are Always apologizing for who you are:


  1. Are you one of those people who tend to annoy almost everyone you interact with?
  2. Do you ask questions that rub off people the wrong way?
  3. Do you find yourself always apologizing for what you said, or didn’t say?

If you answered yes, to any of the above questions, welcome to my club. Apparently, I’m a very inquisitive person, which is why I always ask questions to understand what others are saying and to avoid jumping to conclusions. However, I have had people get offended by either the questions I have asked or how I have asked them. And the interesting fact is that I never went out of my way to offend anyone. I realized one common trait with those I offended…they didn’t communicate to me directly about how I offended them: they sent someone else. Why? I don’t know and honestly, I don’t want to know. And in…

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Advanced Ho’oponopono session & Florence Shinn’s Affirmations to Dissolve Stress and Uncertainty |www.tapthegood.com


In this simple, yet powerful advanced Ho’oponopono session, I add affirmations from Florence Shinn’s book, The Complete Works of Florence Shinn, to help you dissolve stress, feelings of stuck-ness and uncertainty.

Listen, and repeat out loud or mentally.

For all your customized spiritual counseling and coaching needs, check out http://www.tapthegood.com

Look out for my upcoming book – Quotations, Counseling and Affirmations.

Love and light


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Bane of Poverty


In his book, Dollars Want Me, Henry Harrison, wrote:

“Poverty is the main cause of the unrest, the disease (the unease) that afflicts mankind. Remove poverty by right thinking, and all attendant evils will disappear. The right thinking means that there shall be on the part of the individual a change of attitude towards the Dollar. The prevalent attitude is wanting for the Dollar, belief that Dollars are power. This must be outgrown, and the attitude must be that all power is in man. Dollars are machines with power delegated to them by man. They are useless without man. Dollars want Me, is to be the thought of man. Those who think so have maintained the mastery of money flow.”

When we attach any kind of fear to money, we become slaves to money. That is why we continue killing ourselves, killing each other, engaging in cut-throat competition…

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Session 13: Transcending all relationships with, and beliefs in, plus negative programming of money-related fears:


Taken from my newest book: Stimulate Your Money Magnetism.

All our experiences are rooted in our beliefs. If you believe in your fears, whether they are true or not, they will manifest their like in your experiences. Also, note that whatever you believe in, you congruently have a conscious and subconscious relationship with.

In this session, we shall release all relationships with, and beliefs in, plus the negative programming of money-related fear.


Please tap on the karate chop point and report the following statements.

Even though I have all those beliefs in, relationships with, and negative programming of money-related fear, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I have believed all my negative stories about money to be true; I love, accept, and forgive myself and everyone else involved.

Even though I have developed relationships with negative programing about the fear of money and give…

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Session 14: Transcending The Fear of Losing Your Connection with God When You become Wealthy: (From the Book – Stimulate Your Money Magnetism)

Transcend all your subconscious money related fears.


The session below is retrieved from my newest book,Stimulate Your Money Magnetism: Advanced EFT, and Ho’oponopono Scripts to Dissolve all Your Subconscious and Conscious Money-related Fears and Stimulate Your Money Magnetism Now. There are 15 powerful sessions with scripts of advanced ho’oponopono and advanced EFT in the book. You will get to release all your negative programming about money.

Enjoy the free session below.

In case you don’t know where to tap or what the symbols mean, please refer to this diagram. And…you are welcome. 🙂

In some religions, they preach that God does not support wealth. And that it is ungodly to be wealthy. In this book, I will not indulge in religious disciplines. Rather, let me explain what I know about God.

Imagine that you decided to cover up the entire sky because you hate space. So, you collect a couple of friends and build…

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How “Fear” Stole my “Crown.”


Contestant number three, come up,” said the Miss Uganda Beauty Contest MC. And that contestant was me. As soon as I heard my number, fear took over my mind first, then my body. I started shivering and breathing as if I was going to die. I actually thought I would pass out. All my insecurities popped up in my mind like a dead fish on a water surface. My sight became blurred. I could hardly see. And all this happened in less than a minute. I later realized that the moment I gave in to the fear, it seemed to recruit all its negative relatives in form of emotions and memories.

I finally found my way to the stage. And I looked at everyone in the audience as if they had a gun pointed at me. My voice trembled as I answered the questions. Long story short, I…

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Fear is What You Give it


A few years ago I found myself in an ambulance being rushed to the hospital for what I believed was a heart attack. My conditions started earlier that morning when I felt as if my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I felt fear overwhelm my senses and I believed I was going to die. The more I allowed the fear to overwhelm me, the more I shivered and trembled. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital the fear seemed to amplify. By the time we got to the hospital my entire body was shivering as if I was being electrocuted.

They took all sorts of blood work and when the doctor finally saw me, he said, “Girl, how do you feel now?” “I am okay.” I said. Apparently, the longer I stayed in the hospital the better I felt. I…

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